• Q: How are students identified for G/T?

    A:  G/T identification is ongoing in accordance with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students using a process of referral, testing, and placement. 

    Referrals are accepted at each campus during its designated referral period.  (See the "Schedule of G/T Referral Period and Testing Windows" page for more information.)

    Students are identified using scores obtained from multiple qualitative and quantitative sources including, but not limited to:  normed verbal, mathematical, nonverbal, and creative ability tests;  teacher checklists.  No single criterion can be the determining factor for identification, and each criterion is weighted equally.  Each campus has a G/T selection committee that analyzes all data and determines placement or non-placement for each student referred and tested. 

    Following selection, letters stating if the child did/did not qualify for services are sent out to the parents/guardians of each child that completes the entire testing process.  


    Q:  Where can I get a referral form to refer my child for testing?

    A:  Referral forms are available at each school’s front office only during referral periods. The form is available on this webpage year round.  


    Q:  How often can my child be tested for G/T?

    A:  K-12 students are eligible for testing once per school year during the designated referral/testing window for their particular campus.  (See the "Schedule of G/T Referral Period and Testing Windows" page for more information.)  


    Q: Will my child automatically be placed in G/T if he/she was identified in our previous school district?

    A:  Identified G/T students transferring into Gonzales ISD from other districts do not automatically enter the program.  If the identification data in the student’s permanent record from the previous district is satisfactory to the selection committee in terms of scores and the types of assessment used, then the student may be placed directly into services.  However, if the data does not meet the requirements set by the committee, the student must be tested using the set requirements within 30 days to determine placement for that student.


    Q:  Will my child have to go through the identification process every year?

    A:  At this time, children who qualify for G/T services remain in services throughout all grade levels, unless exited according to the stated procedures in the district gifted and talented policy.


    Q:  Can my child be furloughed from services?  

    A:  A student may be furloughed from G/T services at the request of the parent, student, teacher, or administrator.  Furloughs are designed to be short-term (e.g. a six weeks, a semester).  If the parent/student is requesting the furlough, a furlough form will need to be completed by them.  See the GISD Policies and Procedures for Academically Gifted and Talented Students handbook for more details and/or the furlough form. 


    Q:  Can my child be exited from services?   

    A:  A child may be exited from G/T services at the parent's request or by the G/T committee following an ineffective furlough period.  If the parent is requesting the exit from services, an exit form will need to be completed.  See the GISD Policies and Procedures for Academically Gifted and Talented Students handbook for more details and/or the exit form.